Master and Commander, Lars and the Real Girl


Two movies seen recently:

  • Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) — surprisingly moving in the personal-interaction non-naval parts of the film; great technical/historical realism and fine photography; excellent music. Protagonist Russell Crowe comments about learning to play the violin [1]: "Well, the violin was definitely the hardest thing I've ever done for films. You can take your helicopter stunts and your tiger fights and your mathematics, it's got nothing to do with how difficult an instrument the violin is. The way I put it is, 'She's a harsh mistress but there's a grand reward if you keep your focus.'"
  • Lars and the Real Girl (2007) — gentle, funny, touching story of a too-shy man who, with the help of a town full of friends, grows up.

(cf. MasterAndCommander (2005-03-04), ExtremeClarity, OnTheShore, PostCaptain, ...) - ^z - 2011-07-05